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Foundation and Development of the Company

Follow the evolution of our company from its foundation to its current position in the market.

  • The Early Years of Our Business

    Our story began on July 1, 1977, with the establishment of the Dunav Re Reinsurance Community. This significant moment was marked by the cooperation of key partners: the Property and Casualty Insurance Community Dunav, the Property and Casualty Insurance Community Croatia, the Vojvodina Insurance Institute, the Property and Casualty Insurance Community Macedonia, the Property and Casualty Insurance Community Kosovo, the Property and Casualty Insurance Community Novi Sad, and the Triglav Insurance Group. A major step in our development came on October 1, 1990, when we transformed into a shareholding company, marking a new phase in our evolution in the business world.

  • Following Steps

    Based on the Decision of the Federal Ministry of Finance on the issuance of a work permit No. 4/1-11-004/97, dated May 15, 1997, Dunav Re was registered with the Commercial Court in Belgrade under number IV – FI 6153/97, dated June 20, 1997, with registration number 07046901. This was recorded by the Republic Institute for Statistics of the Republic of Serbia, Notice on Classification of Activities – Extract from the Register No. 052-89, dated January 29, 1998.

  • Registration and Regulation

    Dunav Re Reinsurance Joint-Stock Company was registered on July 22, 2005, under number 43206 in the Agency for the Registration of Business Entities. The Dunav Re's operations are supervised by the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) and are fully in compliance with the Insurance Law. The NBS decision on meeting the conditions for performing reinsurance was issued on May 13, 2016.

  • Sustainable Initiative

    In May 2022, Dunav Re became a signatory to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) and a member of the global community of banks, insurers, reinsurers, and investors that have joined the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). This initiative is a concrete example of our commitment to economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

    Learn More
Minimalistički prikaz umreženih lokacija i mesta na mapi sveta, osvetljenih kroz prizmu globalnog poslovanja i povezivanja


Key Moments in Our Journey

Discover the key milestones that have shaped the operations and progress of our company over the years.

  • 1977.

    Founding of the Reinsurance Community Dunav Re in Belgrade, Serbia

  • 1990.

    The Community becomes a Stock Company, a prerequisite for further business development and expansion

  • 1997.

    The Ministry of Finance confirms the compliance of the business with regulatory requirements

  • 2005.

    Dunav Re acquires the status of a Joint-Stock Company, gaining additional opportunities for capital management

  • 2016.

    The National Bank of Serbia confirms that the Company meets all conditions for conducting reinsurance operations

  • 2018.

    Dunav Re obtains its first external credit rating on the Serbian market, awarded by AM Best international agency

  • 2022.

    By adopting the Principles for Sustainable Business, we have inovated our organization and business structure

Regions of Operation

Our Presence on the Global Network

With our experience and expertise in risk management, we have reached international financial centers across the world.

Central and Eastern Europe

Southern Europe

Eastern Mediterranean

East Asia

Latin America

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