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Staklena providna posuda ispunjena kovanicama, iznad kojih se nalazi stablo drveta sa zelenom krošnjom

Vision, Mission, and Strategy

Main Aspects of
Our Strategic Focus

Our identity is based on clear goals and perseverance, focused on creating a secure environment in which companies and communities can grow with minimal risk.


Ideas Shaping Our Future

While we look ahead to the future, we remain firmly grounded in the present. In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, we are dedicated to creating value for our clients, partners, and community by following a clear vision. Our focus is directed towards achieving long-term goals through various parameters that define our approach.

  • Leading position at the domestic market

  • Active role in the international reinsurance market

  • Partnership with cedents and reinsurers

  • Respect for the needs and opinions of clients

  • Continuous improvement of service quality

  • Responsible growth

  • Sustainable business


The Values We Strive For

As a recognized and reliable partner, Dunav Re a.d.o. works to establish European business standards and deliver the highest quality reinsurance services, both on the regional and international markets. Our work combines experience gained at the global market, local knowledge, and proven reliability. On our path to achieving our business ambitions, we focus on implementing initiatives that bring added value.

  • Providing effective solutions to meet cedents specific needs

  • Implementing ESG standards as a priority in our operations

  • Monitoring the impact of climate change

  • Successfully fulfilling the reinsurance protection function for our cedents, partners, and own capital


Pathway to Long-Term Success

The business strategy that we follow provides the framework and guidelines for the development of our operations. The strategy is based on objective, comprehensive, and reliable analyses of the current state, as well as creative assessments of potential future scenarios. Therefore, our strategic goals are directed towards several important priorities.

  • Meeting regulatory requirements, particularly with regard to covering technical reserves with the highest quality assets

  • Maintaining the prescribed capital adequacy of Dunav Re

  • Proper management of the Dunav Re assets, cost rationalization, and continuous improvement of business processes

Ruka postavljena u sredini između dobro postavljenih drvenih domina i onih koje su pale, iz ptičije perspektive Ruka postavljena u sredini između dobro postavljenih drvenih domina i onih koje su pale, iz ptičije perspektive

Stability as the Foundation of Security

Considering the risks that bring new challenges to our world every day, we pursue enhancing the resilience of our company through stability and competence in risk transfer and capital management. By leveraging our experience, knowledge, and flexibility, we find solutions that best meet the insurance needs of our partners.

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